Olympic Style Phase 1:
Frequency: 3x per week
Intensity: Medium
Volume: Medium
Load: Low
Age groups: 14>
The first phase of our olympic style program is made for those of you interested in learning the foundational movements that will lead you to perform the main compound olympic lifts like the snatch, the clean, and the jerk in future programs. This program is a 3x a week commitment that requires little experience to start. We have also used multidimensional dynamic exercises paired with plyometrics to increase your overall power and performance in lifts. This program's main goal is to prepare your body for olympic lifts by improving maneuverability, flexibility, and overall power. If you are really looking at starting your olympic style lifting journey, then this is the perfect program for you! If you already have experience in some of the more complex lifts, we would recommend reading our phase 2 and 3 descriptions before committing to this program.
Feel free to contact us directly if there are any questions or concerns about this program. If you would like your own personalized program, you can also contact us to set up a consultation for FREE!
Email: train@doublecrownperfomance.com
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